Welcome to Berlin Beef
Berlin Beef is the biggest Black owned feedlot operator in South Africa. The company is an AgriBEE Level 1 Contributor entity that complies with the Codes of Good Practice on Broad-Based Black Empowerment Act. Our operations comprises a cattle feedlot, beef back-grounding, abattoirs and meat processing plants.
Berlin Beef holds 30,000 cattle at any given time. We provide top quality A-grade grain-fed and grass-fed beef for both domestic and international markets. We have operations in Berlin, City Deep, Dundee, Durban, East London, Komga, Port Alfred, Port Elizabeth, Adelaide, and Elliot.
Approximately half of our A-grade beef cattle are destined for the export market and the other half slaughtered and value-added locally, at outsourced slaughter and processing facilities.
Berlin Beef runs a R100-m AgriBEE Beef Fund that finances Black smallholder farmers to participate in the mainstream commercial beef industry.